Creative, Branding & Multimedia

The Creative and Multimedia Team crafts the amazing visuals that showcase our community to the world while simultaneously bringing our community together.

We also use our collective decades of experience in higher education marketing and branding to provide strategic direction and services that help advance the positioning and promotion of Howard University.

A request is needed before a consultation is to take place. The best course of action will be recommended after receiving all pertinent information. 


  1. Videography;
  2. Photography; and
  3. Branding.

Additional Information

Branding is a marketing cornerstone, critical to the success of any organization. Effective branding captures the essence of an organization and consistently conveys it in a meaningful, and memorable manner that resonates with a variety of audiences.

Successful branding is enduring and timeless. It relies upon fundamental raw materials, such as trade color, font use and graphic design; but it transcends those building blocks to evoke personal – and occasionally, emotional – attachments to something or someone. Branding is both an art and a science.

The Howard University brand is deeply rooted in its important mission, outstanding track record and undeniable reputation in the higher education landscape. Given this strong foundation, Howard University will leverage its heritage and embrace the vision and evolving priorities for the future yet to come. Our ability to fulfill this mission depends on our ability to speak with one voice that is proud, unapologetic and uniquely Howard.

Explore More in Creative, Branding & Multimedia

Logo Usage

Best Practices | Unit Signatures

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Colors & Typography

Color Palettes | Fonts

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Photography & Video

Usage | Universal Elements

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Howard Brand

Positioning Statement | Identity Guidelines

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Print Design

Print Templates | Design Request & Approval Process

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Need help with your branding?

Let's Strategize