Content Management and Training


UXWS provides general web-related support for the University. This includes web consultation and other web management services. More information about the services we provide can be found on our services page.

While the UXWS team maintains the back end of all of the sites it hosts, it does not manage site content. A unit is expected to maintain at least one trained content manager for this purpose.

In order to facilitate the maintenance of trained content managers, UXWS provides training and training resources for maintaining Howard websites in Drupal.

Our web content training process is outlined below.

Training Process

First, a given website’s unit owner must select a representative staff member of a site’s owning office to be trained by UXWS and receive approval from unit leadership to go forward with training. Knowledge of coding languages is not required.

The staff member will then attend a self-paced CMS Training Course that takes approximately three hours and will also create a sample webpage. This training will cover the following topics and more:

  • Logging into Drupal sites
  • Navigating the Drupal content management system
    • Content types and their uses
  • Building webpages with widgets in Drupal
  • Best practices for websites:
    • Maintaining site security
    • Respecting and protecting user data
    • Upholding Howard’s brand and reputation
    • Maintaining accurate and appropriate content
    • Maintaining content management capability
    • Maintaining accessible content

Once training is complete, the UXWS representative will assign content manager access to the newly-trained staff member and provide access to instructional materials for future reference.

After receiving web content training, content managers should update their site frequently in order to reinforce their training and to maintain a dynamic and up-to-date web presence.

Some site functions, such as building header menus, are only available to administrators. In cases where a trained content manager does not have the administrative permissions to make a needed update, please put in a request using the UXWS request form and we will be happy to assist.

Want to Enroll?

If you'd like to enroll in the CMS Training Course, please obtain approval from your supervisor/Unit Leadership and submit an OUC Request form. 

Be sure to follow these tips when submitting the form:

  1. Choose “Web & User Experience” in the first dropdown on the first page
  2. Choose “Web Services” in the first dropdown on the second page.
Enroll Now